
We can think delegate type as a single method interface , and a delegate instance as an object implementing that interface.

As an example, consider your will, “pay the bills, make a donation to the charity,leave the rest of my estate to my cat” for instance you write it before your death and leave it in an appropiately safe place . After your death, your attorny will act on those instructions.”

A delegate in c# acts like your will in real world- it allows you to specify a sequence of actions to be executed at the appropriate time.

A Recipe for Simple Delegates

In order for a delegate to do anything , four things need to happen

  1. The delegate Type needs to be declared
  2. The code to be executed must be contained in a method
  3. The delegate instance must be created
  4. The delegate instane must be invoked


class Program
   delegate void StringProessor(string input);
   static void Main(string[] args)
     Person jon = new Person("jon");
     Person tom = new Person("Tom");
     StringProessor jonsVoice, tomsVoie, background;
     jonsVoice = new StringProessor(jon.Say);
     tomsVoie= new StringProessor(tom.Say);
     background = new StringProessor(Background.Note);
     tomsVoie.Invoke("Hello, Dady!");
     background("An Airplae files past");
 class Person
   string name;
   public Person(string name)
   { = name;
   public void Say(string message)
     Console.WriteLine("{0} says: {1}", name , message);
 class Background
   public static void Note(string note)

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